Honda EU3000iS Generator Cover Installation

Installation Overview

The Honda EU3000is requires a minor adjustment to mounting the GenTent strap mount system, because the exhaust is up at the top rear of the unit.

The Honda EU3000is was tested with our Inverter mounting kit to ensure that the exhaust is properly dispelled.  This setup was run on high speed (eco-mode off) and measured no temperature increase on the inside of the canopy; indicating that virtually all exhaust heat is being properly dispelled.

The correct GenTent kit for the Honda EU3000is is GenTent Inverter Kit.

GenTent Installed on a Honda EU3000iS


Sloped Installation

GenTent Strap Mount system allows and the exhaust to be at the closest edge of the canopy. This "offset" installation is the recommended approach for all inverter class generators. For the Honda EU3000is setup, we use a sloping installation approach whereby the main canopy is set higher on the exhaust side than the electrical outlet side. The slope does not change the performance of the GenTent.

GenTent Frame Installed on a Honda EU3000iS

Installation Tips

The extender arm settings for the Honda EU3000is are:

  • To either side of the electrical outlet install 3 extender arms and use the outer most hole
  • To either side of the exhaust install 1 extender arms and use the outer most hole

Use the thinner side of the grommets for the angle brace feet on the exhaust side. Use the larger side of the grommets for the angle brace feet on the electrical panel side.

Use the electrical apron on the electrical panel side as this apron is long enough to cover both sides and the front of the electrical outlet panel.

GenTent Extension Position on a Honda EU3000iS Exhaust Side



GenTent Video Demonstrated on a Honda EU3000is

Here's a 360 degree video of our test setup. Turn your volume down a bit when you watch this video!