
GenTent Performance Demonstration Videos

GenTent Rain Performance

This video was taken in 2011, during the Hurricane Irene. Showing a prototype of the GenTent with sheets of rain pummeling the covered generator; the GenTent remains stable and dry throughout the storm.

GenTent Snow Load Performance

This video was taken in October 2011, during blizzard like conditions. Snow was heavy and brought down trees wiping out power to millions in New England.  The GenTent was still in prototype phase and stood up to the test! Snow accumulation was minimal GenTent due to the sloped design, and all sensitive areas remained dry. 

GenTent Snow Load Time Lapse

This video was taken in Winter of 2016 - 2017, during blizzard like conditions. With both the GenTent and Champion Storm Shield, snow accumulation was minimal GenTent due to the sloped design, and all sensitive areas remained dry.  The GenTent featured also displays our GenSkirt storage option.

GenTent Protecting a Running Generator in Simulated Rain

This video shows a portable generator being drenched, while protected by the GenTent, and powering an electric saw. Water is purposely directed to the engine, battery and genset (the long cylinder piece that actually generates electricity) and shows that its performance is unaffected by direct and continuous water. The electrical outlets remain dry throughout this test. 

Disclaimer: What you are about to see was done under careful conditions. Handling electricity and water at the same time is not recommended, therefore please do not try this at home. Even under these conditions, the person in the video forgot to wipe his hands dry after working the hose. GenTent Safety Canopies claims that its GenTent keeps water away from the electrical outlets which allows the generator to be used safely in wet weather conditions. No other GenTent Safety Canopies claims should be taken from this video.

GenTent High Wind Performance

This video was taken in 2011, during the Hurricane Irene. Showing a prototype of the GenTent with hurricane strength winds affect trees while the GenTent remains stable. Sheets of rain pummeling the covered generator; the generator remains dry throughout the storm.

GenTent Setup on a Running Generator

This video was taken in 2011, showcasing the GenTent prototype setup on a running generator.  By design the GenTent will allow users to protect their portable generator or inverter while operating at peak performance. 

Generator Remains Portable with GenTent

This video was taken in 2011, showcasing the GenTent prototype setup on a running generator.  This running generator is shut off with the GenTent attached and then wheeled away.